
As we slowly return to the workplace, now is the perfect time to learn how to sanitize and disinfect your car so you can keep your loved ones safe. Continue reading for three valuable tips used by professionals in the car industry.

Car Sanitation Guide

Step 1: Remove dust and particles

Before you begin the steps to disinfect your car, give it a good cleaning first. Dirt, dust, and debris found in the carpets or hidden corners of your car will break down over time, releasing particles into the air which can be harmful if inhaled. 


Take a few minutes to clean out your car, and then take a vacuum and go to town. Look for areas where dirt and grime can hide. This will greatly improve the air quality in the cabin of your car while removing any unwanted smells you may have become accustomed to. 

Step 2: Disinfect commonly-touched surfaces

Now that you’ve cleaned out your car, it’s time to wipe it down using a disinfectant that is safe to use on soft or organic materials. Bleach products may be effective disinfectants, but using these in your Porsche will cause irreparable damage due to the harshness of these chemicals. 


The go-to disinfectant used by car manufacturers and car assembly plants is a concentration of at least 70% isopropyl alcohol. This will remove any contaminants you may be concerned with while protecting the craftsmanship of your Porsche. Simply spray the solution on and wipe it off using a soft, clean terry cloth.

Step 3: Prevent dust and allergens from reentering your car

Now that your car has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, take an extra step to prevent more dust, pollen, and pollutants from entering your car through the air conditioning system. 


Most cars have at least two air filters which filter out unwanted dust and contaminants from entering and circulating through the cabin. If these filters are not cleaned or replaced regularly, they can become ineffective in keeping the air in your car clean and safe to breath. Protect your lungs by taking the simple steps required to check your air filters. If you’re unsure of how to do this, our Porsche Service Center can take care of this for you.

Schedule an Appointment in Upper Saddle River, NJ

For ultimate peace of mind, schedule an appointment at Jack Daniels Porsche. Be sure to take advantage of any available service specials when you make your appointment.